Friday, September 3, 2010

The Wonderful Law of Abundance

The Wonderful Law of Abundance

There is a law of abundance operating in life. And this abundance is for you. Abundance is a wonderful word. I like the sound of it; it’s full and rich. The root of this word, I’m told, is the Latin undare which means “to rise up toward you in waves. So actually, when you think and practice abundance you stimulate all manner of good things to rise up toward you in waves.

This is the secret of the law of abundance – to receive the good things of this life, you must first give.
Let me repeat it for you, because the idea contain in that sentence is literally life changing. It will make your life full and abundant and satisfying beyond anything you have ever imagined.

To receive the good things of this life, you must first give.
Firmly imbed that idea in your consciousness. Say it over and over. Let your mind dwell on it until it becomes a fundamental part of your thought pattern.To receive the good things of this life, you must first give.I cannot over-emphasize its importance. It can change anyone’s situation. 

This creative law of vital living is expressed in familiar words:
“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”Matthew 10:39

And the law is again stated in a sentence which, I personally, regard as one of the most important in the entire Bible: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”(John 10:10)

Poverty-stricken and defeated living has no place in the planning of a Creator who crammed this world to overflowing with riches and blessings beyond description. It is man who has messed up the supply of good to all. By his crude interference with the laws of Divine abundance, both socially and personally, he merely exists when all around him are values, not simply in sufficient supply, but in prolific abundance. 

Such a simple thing as the giving of self, of thought, of money, of time, of helpfulness starts it flowing. 

Sometimes the results of putting this technique into practice seem almost miraculous. No situation need be thought of as desperate, really; not with the law of abundance to call upon ■

“The Amazing results of positive thinking.”
by Norman Vincent Peale

Thank you for visiting my blog:
Also read The Secret Psychology...
 The Wonderful Law Of Abundance.

Mark Khan
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth

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Unknown said...

This article really creates a sense of hope and a feeling of "I can do this" - thank you, very inspiring. Jacquie

Frankir said...

What true and inspirational words.And the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.