One way to understand how your mind operates is to think of it as a computer. Your conscious mind puts information into the computer and retrieves it as needed. Your subconscious is like the computer itself, storing all the data it receives from your body, your environment, your mind and your emotions.
Say, for example, that your conscious mind wants you to be wealthy. That desire is very clear to you. Your conscious mind then turns to the subconscious for information about being wealthy.
But what's this? There's no relevant data in your subconscious. There might be information about other people being wealthy – but not you! Your subconscious "file" has you with very little money. (It also has a lot on feelings of inadequacy and disappointment). You may even come across an idea that says you don't deserve to be wealthy.
What happens to you and money under these conditions? You guessed it! You're out of luck and out of money.
But this is where visualization saves the day.
Visualization is the language your subconscious speaks. It speaks in words too, but they're its second language.
"Image-arese" is its native language. And not only does your subconscious mind speak in images – it hears and understands images, too.
Visualization allows you to discover images stored in your subconscious that prevent you from achieving your goals. It also lets you get rid of them (and replace them with new, positive images.)
The process is similar to clearing old files out of a computer and replacing them with new ones. You delete the imagery file in your subconscious computer that says "no money" and create a new file called "YES, MONEY!"
When you use visualization to replace mental obstacles with positive mental images, you tap directly into the power of your subconscious mind. It is this mental power that enables you to create success in your life.
Set a goal: Before we get started, it's important to remember that whether you're trying to communicate with a person, a computer, or your subconscious mind, you must be clear about what you want. If you want someone to help you move a piece of furniture, but all you tell them is when and where you bought it, and for how much, the piece of furniture isn't going to budge an inch.
Skip the details: Your subconscious is only interested in the goal you want to accomplish. You don't have to figure out the details of how high to lift the sofa or what angle to turn it going through the door, your subconscious will take care of that. You only have to show your subconscious a picture of the sofa resting in the place you want it to be. All the steps needed to realize the goal will be taken care of. Whether your goal is to move a sofa, get a new job or move your home.
Be clear about your intention: Create images that are as clear and accurate as you can make them. This means putting yourself in the picture. For instance, if you want a new car and give your subconscious an image of a car that belongs to a friend of yours, with the friend in the driver's seat, your subconscious won't get the message that that's the kind of car you want for yourself.
You have to put yourself in the driver's seat of every visualization. Your subconscious is very literal. It only knows what you tell it. It can't second guess you. If you tell it "red", and you mean "orange", it thinks red. It can't fill in the blanks either, although it does handle small details. If you want a new house and only picture the front door, you'd probably wind up with a new door, but not necessarily a house!
Be as accurate and complete as possible about what you want out of life.
Be vivid: Your subconscious responds to images that are bright and colorful. Vivid colors grab the attention of your subconscious and make more of an impression than drab ones. Along with using bright colors, make the images memorable.
You see, to your subconscious, the images it receives from your physical world and your mental world are equally real. Whether you are looking at a tree, or close your eyes and create a picture of a tree in your mind, your subconscious will receive each image as being valid. Again, it's similar to a computer. You can feed a computer a photograph of a real tree, or you can use the computer to draw a picture of a tree. Both pictures are valid information as far as the computer goes. The difference is that when you create a mental image in your mind that is vivid and alive with details, colors, scents, sounds, tastes and textures, your subconscious will think that it's more real than a comparable physical image.
Consistency is one of the primary directives of the subconscious. This means that physical and mental images of the same thing must match. When you consciously erase the mental image of being overweight and store a new image of you at your ideal weight, your subconscious will support the new image.
Make it fun: An atmosphere of fun and playfulness loosens up subconscious energy and frees it to help make your goal a reality. Working hard at your images and making them serious stifles your subconscious energy instead of expanding and enlivening it.
Struggling with the images also gives your subconscious mind the message that getting what you want should be difficult, and you certainly don't want to do that! Give your subconscious the message that having what you want is fun and easy.
Time counts: There's one more characteristic that your subconscious shares with a computer. All data is stored as existing in the present. You might date one computer document August 26, 2006, and another July 18, 2005, but all information exists in the computer in the present. In the same way, your conscious mind labels an event as happening five years ago, or tomorrow, or next year, to your subconscious it's all happening now.
No judgments: Your subconscious doesn't assign value judgments to the images stored in it. Your conscious mind does that. For instance, your subconscious doesn't think you're either a good or a bad person if you're overweight. It simply observes the image and supports it by influencing you to overeat in order to maintain a physical image that's consistent with the mental image it holds.
What does this have to do with the power of your mind? A lot, when you visualize how you want a particular aspect of your life to look in the future, making it clear, bright and fun, your subconscious receives that information as happening right now. It also records the mental image as real and valid. Your subconscious mind supports the images stored in it. It likes mental and physical images to be consistent, so it will influence your physical reality to match the new mental reality. Get the picture?
Bear in mind:
1. Images are the language of your subconscious.
2. Visualization harnesses the power of those
3. Be clear about your intention when speaking to
your subconscious.
4. Your subconscious will figure out the
intermediate steps.
5. Put yourself in the picture.
6. Your subconscious responds best to vivid,
colorful images.
7. Make your images fun.
8. Your subconscious doesn't judge images as good or
9. Your subconscious strives for consistency;
physical and mental images will strive to match.
Thank you for visiting my blog:
Mark Khan
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth
When you make a choice, you change the future
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