Monday, September 3, 2012

The Art of Loving Yourself Part 3-Final Part

The Art of Loving Yourself

Goal Setting
Goal setting is important for many reasons. When you set goals you can see forward progress, you have something to look forward to, and they help create ambition. You must set goals in order to achieve them.

When you set goals the best thing you can do is attach a date on different milestones. Take a specific goal of your passion and attach a completion date to it. Upon a completion date, you will then break down your goal into many steps to get you there. Each of these steps are milestones. You might consider putting a date on each milestone based upon how long they will take you to get to. These might be estimated dates and you might be off by a day or two. However, one milestone may be accomplished quicker than another so it can put you back on track. 

Working by using a goal method gives you something to look forward to. The best thing you can do is reward yourself at the end of each goal or you may be seeing the reward as you are getting closer to your passion actually happening. When you are working toward a completion date you are more likely to work on the goal rather than say I plan on getting it done eventually. A date makes the goal more real. 

Goals with milestones allow you to see the forward progress you are making toward achieving your goal. You might consider making a chart with the dates and step attached to it. Break down each step with tasks you need to complete and things that need to be done. As you reach each milestone you will be closer to reaching your goal. 

The closer you get to achieve your true passion the more ambition you will have to live out the dream and make it happen. If you need to brush up on your skills first then take a few classes. These classes will be a part of your milestones and steps to get to where you want to get to. As you complete each one then you will have completed a milestone and closer. 

If your goals include steps that are very difficult to do and require a lot of hard work on your part do not be afraid to reward yourself for getting to where you are in your project. Buy a bottle of wine and take the night off and celebrate for reaching a goal. Do something to treat yourself for your hard work. You deserve it and you are worth it. 

Any project you decide to tackle or endeavor you want to achieve you need to design it as a goal with a breakdown of the steps to get to the goal. This will make the goal look so much easier to get to and you will work harder to achieve it. In addition, you have a way to measure just how close you are to actually making it happen in your life what you have always dreamed of.

Living Your Passion 
When you live out your passions there are many things you need to do with your attitude and your life in order to be successful. You will be a more successful individual with life and your passions when you practice these things. 
You can measure success any way that you want to. Success is not measured by money because anyone can make a lot of money. The goal is to make a lot of money by living out your passion. When you are working toward something you are extremely passionate about you will usually be fortunate enough to make some money. The important thing is that you can look back on your life and know you did everything you wanted to do and you have no regrets. 

Be Whole 
Your passion needs to make you whole. You need to focus on not just one thing but every aspect of your passion. Enjoy the experience in its entirety. Enjoy the process of ordering the parts and having them delayed for two weeks. This could mean a wonderful vacation for you while you are waiting rather than a sign you weren’t supposed to get started on your passion. Don’t look at negative things happening as a sign. Be whole with everything you do. Don’t try to be fake or impress someone with someone you are not. 

Be Passionate 
When you are passionate about something you don’t have to be a display of passion so other people can see you. Your passion comes from inside and if you truly love what you are doing then this will come naturally for you. You will take pride in your work and if you design clay pots then you won’t send a cracked pot out to a customer because you will be passionate about the quality. This is because you will own it and your name will be on it. You will be proud of every thing you do because you are proud of this. 

Leadership is another factor that you need to consider because you want to show people how living your dream can be done. You don’t want to follow in the footsteps of anyone. You want to be passionate about leading change in your life. You are making a significant change to live your life how you want to. Create your vision and lead the way by achieving your goals that you have set out.

Continuous Improvement 

As you are living your passion you will not be putting out the best every single time. You need to find ways to continuously improve processes that are slowing you down, causing poor quality, or frustrating you. When you continue to improve the process you will do better as time goes by and begin to see how well you can do. Productivity improves after time once you find ways to make things better. When you first start off with your passion everything may seem in disarray and a mess. You can fix this but it will take time and trials. You may try something fifteen times before you hone a method down to the most productive and quality method. 

Action needs to be all around you when you are living your passion. Because it has been so easy to procrastinate to work toward your passion you do not want to fall into the same problem as before. It is important to take action with yourself, people you include to help you and more. 

Taking action is the most important thing to avoid procrastination. You want to work toward a big goal which is your dream. Nothing is going to get in your way or slow you down. Put a sign up that says action to remind yourself you are working toward your passion by constant action. 

You want to have people on your team that are action oriented also. Don’t have people work with you that are not action oriented. If you have a really supportive aunt that likes to sit around and talk but not work hard then you cannot have her help you with your passion. She may be the person you can have help you create hype for your endeavor or business but not to take action. Find a place for her so she can help because you need the support. 

Always reward action. Never let action and goal setting go without rewards. You want to reward everyone helping you and yourself. This doesn’t mean you need to spend money you don’t have. You can reward someone by letting them know you appreciate what they are doing for you. Acknowledgement of hard work is sometimes enough when people know you really appreciate it. 

Model Your Heroes 
Choose at least top 5 heroes who you adore and you want to be successful like and model them. Learn everything you can about your heroes and become an expert on them. Learn about how they became successful. This means you should know their entire autobiography.

Turning Passions and Goals into Reality 
Turning your passions into reality requires you to do many things. Now that you know how to find your passion and live your passion you need to make your passion really happen. Here are things you can do to make it happen. 

The most important thing to success believes that you will be successful. You really can be successful but if you do not believe it then you shouldn’t even get started until you do. Your abilities are in your mind and you have total control over your success. It is not about impressing people. You can believe and you don’t have to tell anyone. Believe. Relax and believe you will be very successful and one day you will be so excited to sit on the Oprah Winfrey show and talk about your passion and how you turned it into a reality. Believe and feel empowered as you think about your endeavor and how you are going to be successful. 

Your attitude could make you or break you. You need to maintain a complete positive attitude. Be positive at all times. Don’t let the little things get you down or upset you. You are living your passion and every obstacle now is a learning experience. Now you need to have a positive outlook on everything you do with your business and your passion. 

When you have a good attitude it will help you become more successful with your business and your passion. You need to have a positive outlook and believe. When your attitude is positive and your outlook is positive things will begin to work in your favor more often than they ever have before. It is really about the way you look at things and not how bad they really are. You make things and a situation bad. Your attitude is what will make it positive. 

Hone Your Idea 
If you are in a situation where you cannot make your passion a reality today then you will need to hone your intentions. You can take your idea and make it better by chiseling away at the details. Lay out the plan for your project or business endeavor and every detail you will need to consider. When you are in a waiting period there is still plenty of things for you to do. Don’t look at a waiting period as a sign you shouldn’t get started or as another way to procrastinate. 

Build Momentum 
The best way to build momentum when you are working toward your passion is to act on the ideas you have. Act right away and don’t sit around for something to happen or come to you. The same goes for a problem you need to fix. You need to act on it. The more responsive you are then you begin to build a momentum that is hard to break. Your laziness will go away and you will do well with being more productive. 

Make the Best of Your Resources
When you are making it happen then you need to make the best of your resources. You might not have a lot of money and you need to find ways to take care of things like daycare and errands. You can find friends and other supportive individuals to help you. If you are short on supplies you might have to talk to friends and people to see where you can get a hold of more supplies.

The creativity you have learned in the earlier posts of this article will play into motion at this time. You may not have money or resources you need. You need to be creative about things you can do. If you are a writer without a computer then you can go to the public library and use a free one. Find resources that you can use to make your passions successful.

Sacrifice and Hard Work 
In most cases when someone works toward a passion they are prepared to work hard and willing to sacrifice just about anything.

When you first start off with your new job you might find that you are very poor to begin with. You cannot expect to be a success overnight. Things will take time but the importance is that you will be doing what you enjoy. You will be required to work long hours and sacrifice family time and many other things. Sacrifice is the most important thing you can do if you want to be successful. 

There is no substitute for hard work if you want to reach your goals. Only you can reach the goals you set for yourself and you will need to work very hard to get to where you want to be. Embrace long hours, sweat and tears because they will be rewarding in the end. 

Organize Your Life 
Organize your life around your passion. You have started a new job or passion that you want to be successful in. Start living the successful day that you have always dreamed of. For example, wake up early in the morning, brew coffee, read the paper, talk on your blog, and more. Organize your life to be useful time that is healthy for you. Plan your time with plenty of exercise and healthy decisions. Be sure you are getting enough sleep also. You will have to put in a lot of hours to be successful at first but you cannot lose sleep or you will have problems enjoying your passion. Working toward a passion means you get to sleep too. Proper organizing will allow you to be successful and more productive.

Visualize and Meditate
Visualizing is very important if you want to work toward your passion. Meditation and visualization help you see where you are going with your passion. You have an idea manifesting and you need to visualize it. Meditation allows your ideas to manifest inside of you so you will make it happen. You want to manifest your desires and you will be sure to make them happen.

Thank you for visiting my Blog, CLICK HERE for  Part 1

Mark Khan
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth

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