Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Secret Psychology to Money and Success.

Download Your Success!

"There is a secret psychology to money and success. 

Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never become financially successful. We all have money and success 'blueprint' already ingrained in our subconscious. It comes from past conditioning.

The question is what is your blueprint set for - success, mediocrity, failure, struggle, ease, a steady income or the up and down 'yo-yo' effect?

Unfortunately for most people, your current blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life; unless you identify it and change have to learn how to completely recondition yourself for financial success. 

For many people, the change will be immediate and permanent."

T. Harv Eker is a great speaker with a lot of wisdom to share. 

His favorite saying is: 
“YOU have a Millionaire Mind!” 

Repeat it if you dare: 


The secret to a life of abundance is developing your Millionaire Mind.

Our beliefs are merely beliefs...neither right nor wrong. It is important that our beliefs support and serve us. If they don't, all we have to do is change them! 

Three Steps to Change your Negative Beliefs:

Step 1...
Answer these questions and you will have taken the first step to change...AWARENESS. 
How are your beliefs like those of a millionaire? 
How are your beliefs like those of a poor person?

Step 2...
Once you are aware of your beliefs, the next step is to UNDERSTAND where they come from. 
Take a few minutes to reflect...think about the origin of these beliefs.

And once you understand the source, you can continue with the next step.

Step 3... 
and REPROGRAM yourself with beliefs that support you better.

One of the ways that you can reprogram yourself is to repeat positive thinking words. Below are examples of affirmations you can use.

"My income is constantly increasing"

"Abundance is mine"

"I deserve all good in my life and that includes prosperity"

"I am a money magnet, and prosperity of all kinds is drawn to me"

"I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now"

"My good comes from everywhere and everyone"

"Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources"

"New opportunities to increase my income open up for me now"

I can do this, and I can. I've got what it takes and I prove it every day.
I chose to be special, unique and filled with belief.
I have faith. I know I can do this I know I can win!
I have made the decision to create my success. I plan it, I work at it, and I believe in it.
I choose to be successful as an individual, as a partner, and as a member of my team!
I have made the decision to win and nothing can stop me now!
I refuse to let anything get me down. I keep my attitude ‘up’ and I keep going for it!
I choose to have a positive, healthy attitude about my business and my success.

My attitude is my choice, and I choose to feel great, believe in myself, follow the plan and go for my goals!

I have faith! I believe in myself, I believe in the work I am doing, and I believe in the future I am creating for my family and myself. I have faith!

I have made the decision to make my business work right!
I am successful and so is my business.
I really like the future I am creating for myself and for the people I care about most.

I care about my business and it shows. My business takes care of me because I take care of my business.

I do everything I need to do to make my business succeeds.

I enjoy working at my business everyday and I enjoy every positive blessing my business brings to my life.
I have chosen to win right now and every day. I have faith. I believe. And I succeed!
I am a winner and I am winning right now!

I can do this…and I know I can!

It's also important that you repeat these Affirmations...
either in the morning, afternoon or/and evening just before bedtime. 
Also visualize your vision and your dreams daily…
draw your future into your present…before long, you successful. 
You will become financially free because of what you CHOOSE to think about the most.

Thank you for visiting my blog also

Mark Khan
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth

When you make a choice, you change the future

BE in the best position
to to be financially SECURE

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UncleSam said...

Thank you for sharing this vital fact about our mindsets....its very true and that's why the devil fights us beginning with our minds!

Mark Khan said...

I agree with you 100%, thanks for your comment brother.