Part 5 is filled with specific, step-by-step visualizations that deal with goals such as increasing your cash flow, improving your self-image, losing weight and attracting love.
You might want to glance over all of them, and then choose the one you like best. If no single goal is especially pressing, you can read whichever visualization you come to. Or you can pick a visualization that meets your immediate needs.
In any case, read the visualization you choose a couple of times before you visualize so that you become familiar with the sequence of images.
Don't worry if you forget a point or two, with time you'll know the procedure by heart.
You may be tempted to record the visualization or have someone else read it to you, but it's better to read it in advance and then put it aside.
That way you have the advantage of working at your own pace and varying the images as you see fit. (Just reading a visualization helps communicate the images to your subconscious mind.)
Once you have a visualization in mind, you're ready to get started.
a. Find somewhere quiet where you won't be interrupted. If an ideal place isn't available, even the car or bathroom will do -as long as you're able to concentrate. After all, when you have something important to say to someone, or you're doing work that requires deep thought, it's generally best to have a quiet environment, free of distractions and interruptions. The same holds true for talking with your subconscious.
(1) It's often hard to find the ideal times and places to visualize. Don't worry; they can be done almost anywhere you can concentrate for a minute or two. Here are some times and places we have found that work well:
- First thing in the morning while still in bed
- Riding the bus, taxi or train
- Waiting in line at the supermarket or post office
- Exercising
- Being on hold on the telephone
- Last thing at night before falling asleep
- Stopped at a red light
- Taking a shower
c. Sit comfortably, spine straight, hands loose, feet flat on the floor. This allows your blood to circulate and eases body tension.
(1) Some people like to visualize while lying down, but I find that it's too easy to fall asleep! Stay conscious to help your subconscious.
d. Try closing your eyes. It's not that you can't visualize with your eyes open. You daydream with your eyes open. But most people find it's easier to focus on their mental world when they're not looking at their physical one. Try closing your eyes gently, don't squint them. You may even find that your eyes will close naturally as you begin to really focus on the images.
e. Listen to yourself breathe. You don't have to breathe deeply, count your breaths, or hold your breath. Breathe normally, allow the rhythm of your breathing to relax you.
(1) It only takes a minute or two, but relaxation helps the images flow. Think of yourself as a hose with clear water running through you. If you're kinked with tension, the water won't flow. Relax!
f. Begin to create the key images of the visualization you've chosen. Sometimes it is easier to begin with a color. Focus on the color. Then form the shape.
(1) Add the colors and shapes of the other elements of the imagery sequence. You may sense them, or you may see them with your mind's eye. Bring the images into focus as clearly and sharply as you can, as if you were focusing a camera in your mind.
g. Now put yourself into the picture you have created. It is extremely important to see yourself in the picture so that your subconscious knows that this particular goal is meant for you and not for your neighbor across the street, or for your mother-in-law...
h. As soon as you can see yourself, change your perspective so that you are actually inside the picture as a participant. Look around from this inner perspective and see how the environment you have created looks and feels. "Experience the visualization with all your senses". Look at it and hear it. What sounds do you hear? Smell it, what aromas are wafting through the air? What temperature is the air? Touch something in the visual. What texture is it? Break off a piece of something in the image and taste it. Is it sweet, tart, fruity, minty?
i. After you've felt the visualization with your senses, feel it with your emotions. Experience the images in the present, just as your subconscious does. How does it feel to have achieved the goal you want? Let the excitement and happiness of success flow through you. Let it build, Feel joyful, Feel exuberant.
(1) Your emotions play a very important part in visualizing. They're like the flash of light in a camera that illuminates the image you're photo graphing. Your subconscious is like the film in the camera that the image is imprinted upon.
j. Steps one through nine might take anywhere from two to 10 minutes.
(1) When the image is in clear focus and your emotions are as bright as they can be, let your mind go blank as if you were releasing a camera shutter. If you hold the picture too long, it will be overexposed and the image will disappear.
(2) In this case, quality is more important than quantity. It's better to focus and feel the image to the best of your ability for two minutes than to drag it out halfheartedly for half an hour. It's also better to visualize two or three times during the day for a couple of minutes than to visualize once for a long time.
(3) When you let go of the image, you free the mind power you have activated. Your subconscious can then support the image and will help make your goal a reality.
k. Give yourself permission to receive the goal you desire. Say to yourself: "I deserve to succeed!" and "I gladly receive this success!" Allowing yourself to succeed is equivalent to picking up your photographic film from the developer. You literally get the picture.
l. Feel free to be creative. We've given you detailed guidelines to get you started, but you may want to tailor the visualization to your particular situation. After all, the more the images fit your specific needs, the more effective they'll be. When you use the information in these explanatory chapters to visualize with a clear mind and a bright heart, you will be able to switch on the power of your mind at will. When you activate your mind power to achieve what you want, that's what you'll get! Remember, it's the thought that counts!
Bear in mind:
1. Choose a quiet place.
2. Wear comfortable clothing.
3. Get into a comfortable position.
4. Close your eyes if possible.
5. Relax.
6. Focus the picture.
7. Put yourself in the picture.
8. Use all your senses.
9. Use your emotions.
10. Let go of the picture.
12. Be creative.
Thank you for visiting my blog:
Also read Visualization Part 4 - The Road To Success and also Download Your Success
Mark Khan
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth
Life Coach / Inter-Networker
Skype ID: ageofseth
When you make a choice, you change the future
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